Our campuses have shared leadership with one staff overseeing Sunday services and weekly ministries. On Sunday mornings, our pastors and preaching team members rotate in bringing the weekly message (preaching at both campuses) with the exception of the Swahili Congregation.
Current Service Times:
9:00am & 11:00am
LiveStream: 11am
Children’s Ministry:
Tots: 0 - crawling
Toddlers: Walkers
Pre-K-3rd Grade
Tots: 0 - crawling
Toddlers: Walkers
Pre-K - Kindergarten
1st Grade - 3rd Grade
4th Grade - 6th Grade
Current Service Times:
English: 10:00am
Swahili: 1:00pm
Children’s Ministry:
English, 10:00am
Tots: 0-36months
Pre-K-1st Grade
2nd-6th Grade
Swahili, 1:00pm
0-10 years